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Victorious, A Tame Quantum Novel: Quantum Series, Book 3 Page 9

  The kids giggle madly as he tries to tickle his way out of the bind they have him in.

  Aileen joins me at the doorway, smiling at the sound of her children’s laughter. “That’s a very nice thing to hear.”

  “We had the best time,” I tell her.

  “Apparently, they did, too.” She takes a closer look at Logan’s room. “Did you clean his room?”

  “Nope, he did.”

  “How did you pull off that particular miracle?”

  “Flynn gets all the credit. He made it a brother-sister race to see who could clean their rooms the fastest.”

  “Wow. He’s good.”

  “I think so, too. Are you feeling better?”

  “So much better. I can’t thank you enough for this today.”

  “Believe me when I say it was our pleasure. We had a blast playing in the snow with the kids.”

  “Logan, go easy,” Aileen says. “God forbid we damage that priceless face.”

  “That’s right,” Flynn says. “It’s insured for millions.”

  I roll my eyes and share a laugh with Aileen. As we prepare to head out a short time later, Flynn lets her know help is on the way.

  “You’ve already done more than enough,” she says in protest, referring to the half-million dollars he donated to the fundraiser for their family at school.

  He puts his hands on her shoulders and kisses her forehead. “Let us help. There’s no need for you to try to do this alone. You have friends who care, and if we lived here full time, we could come by every day and check on you guys. But since we don’t, this is the next best thing, okay?”

  “Are you ever able to say no to him?” she asks me.

  “Rarely,” I reply with a saucy wink that makes them both laugh.

  “Thank you,” she says, gesturing to the spotless apartment and the two kids on the sofa, quietly watching a movie. “I’ll never forget this, and neither will they.”

  “We had a great time.” I hug her, and the feel of her sharp bones under my hands unsettles me as I lean down to gather up Fluff. “Call you tomorrow, okay?”

  “I’ll be here.”

  “Bye, guys,” I say to the kids.

  “What do you say to Flynn and Natalie?”

  “Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome. We’ll see you soon.”

  Flynn has summoned an Uber car that’s waiting for us outside Aileen’s building. He holds the door for me and follows me inside.

  After a long period of silence, I reach for his hand. “I’m worried about her.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Her bones… She’s…”

  “I know, sweetheart. I felt them, too. My dad has a friend who’s a big-time surgeon here. I’m going to ask him to get a name for us. I want the top breast cancer doctor in the city for her.”

  I lean my head on his shoulder. “I’m scared for her. For all of them.”

  “We’ll do everything we can for them.”

  “Thank you for making my friends your friends.”

  “Aileen and the kids are easy to like. I’ve enjoyed getting to know them.”

  Flynn asks the driver to take us into the garage to avoid the photographers still staked out in front of the building. The driver makes all the usual noise about the Bugatti, but while he’s friendly, Flynn doesn’t offer photos.

  In the elevator, he says, “I feel like steak tonight. I need some protein to build up my strength.” He waggles his brows, reminding me of our plans for the evening. As if I could forget. All afternoon with the kids, I’ve been thinking about how this night might unfold.

  But after seeing Aileen in such poor condition, I’m not sure if I can get my head straight to concentrate on him.



  “You okay?”

  “Sure.” I force a smile for his benefit, but he’s not buying it.

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  The elevator opens into the foyer, and he takes my coat, hanging it next to his in the closet.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just worried about Aileen.”

  Flynn withdraws his phone from his pocket and places a call. “Hey, Dad, what’s up?” He glances at me. “We’re good. In New York for a couple of days but heading back your way tomorrow. You can tell Mom to go forth with her party planning. We have to go to London for the BAFTAs next weekend, so the weekend after that?” He looks to me for confirmation.

  We’re going to London next weekend? I want to squeal with excitement. I’ve always wanted to go there.

  “Nat? Is that okay?”

  I nod in agreement. Stella is excited to throw a party to celebrate our wedding, and since I already adore my new mother-in-law, whatever she wants is fine with me. This will be their big show, as I don’t have many people to invite.

  “So listen, Natalie has a friend here in New York who has breast cancer. She doesn’t seem to be doing so well, and I wondered if you would ask your friend Jared about a recommendation of someone who could see her. I want the top doctor in the city.”

  While he talks to his father, I take advantage of the opportunity to text my former roommate, Leah.

  So I’ve decided to decline the school’s offer to return. Too much of a circus comes with me now, and it’s not fair to the kids.

  I sort of wondered if that would happen. We’ll miss you, but I understand. I’m a short-timer there myself. They asked me to train to be a manager at the bar, and I’ll do that while I figure out what’s next.

  Keep me posted.

  Will do. How’s married life with the hot movie star?

  It’s hot. If only she knew.

  I hate you.

  No, you don’t.

  Yes, I really do! LOL! You can make it all better if you invite me to some fabulous Hollywood party.

  I’ll see what I can do.

  Squeeeee! How’s Fluff?

  She’s good. I think she’s starting to fall in love with her new daddy.

  Awww too cute! Miss you guys.

  We miss you, too. See you soon I hope!

  Tell the hot movie star I said hello.

  Will do. xoxo

  “My dad is going to call his friend tonight and get back to me tomorrow,” Flynn says when he finds me in the kitchen.

  “Thank you for that. Leah says to tell my hot movie star husband she says hello.”

  “How is she?”

  “Good. I wanted to tell her about not going back to school so she doesn’t hear it through the grapevine.”

  “How’d she take it?”

  “She totally understands.”

  “You could, if you wanted to, that is, send an email to Mr. Poole tonight to officially close that circle.”

  “Is that your way of saying you’re glad I’m not going back?”

  He props his hands on the counter, on either side of my hips. “I’m glad you made a decision you’re comfortable with, and selfish bastard that I am, I’m thrilled you’ll be coming home to LA with me, moving in permanently and sleeping next to me every night.”

  Looping my hands around his neck, I say, “I’m thrilled about those things, too.”


  I bite my bottom lip and nod, watching his eyes home in on the movement of my mouth.

  “Are we really going to London?”


  “So why are we going back to LA tomorrow when London is in the opposite direction?”

  “Oscar nominees’ luncheon is Monday, and the nominees’ party is Monday night.” He’s still staring at my mouth. “I was on my best behavior all afternoon with the kids. I think you owe me some thanks for that.”

  “I owe you?”

  “Uh-huh.” He swoops in and captures my mouth in a kiss full of hours’ worth of pent-up desire. His arms band around me as he explores every corner of my mouth with his tongue. I’m left reeling when he ends the kiss as suddenly as he began it. “Food first. More of that later. Steak? Yes?”

��I’m expected to function after that?”

  A satisfied smile stretches across his face. “I’m expecting a lot of functioning tonight.” Another kiss has me clinging to him, but he pulls away before we lose control again. “Food. Now. Steak?”

  “Mmm, okay.”

  “Stop trying to manipulate our agenda by looking at me that way.”

  “What way am I looking at you?”

  “You know damned well what you’re doing to me.” He takes my hand and pushes it against the hard column of his erection. “Any questions?”

  I squeeze him. “That feels uncomfortable.”

  “Tormenting your Dom, sweetheart? Are you trying to top from the bottom? Because that could get you a very sore ass later.”

  I’m almost ashamed by how aroused I am at the thought of him spanking me.

  “Don’t do that.”

  “What did I do?”

  “Look away in shame because you like the idea of being spanked. Don’t ever be ashamed of the things you want. And don’t ever hold back from telling me what you want.”

  “It might take some time before I feel comfortable asking for those things.”

  “We’ll get there, love.” He kisses me. “All in good time.”

  “What did you mean when you said ‘top from the bottom’?”

  “That’s a Dom/sub thing when the sub tries to take control of the Dom. I don’t recommend it, my sweet.”

  He attempts a stern face, but his eyes twinkle with pleasure and delight. He’s happy to be able to speak freely about these things, and that makes me happy, too.

  “Tonight, I want to see your eyes, Nat, without the contacts. Will you give me that?”

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He kisses me again and then withdraws his phone to place the food order. It arrives a short time later, and we eat in silence, the anticipation building with every minute that goes by. I’m almost too nervous and excited to eat. But knowing I need the fuel, I consume half of my dinner without tasting much of anything before pushing the rest across the table to him.

  He eats all of his and half of mine.

  Apparently, I’m the only one too nervous to eat much.

  After we do the dishes, Flynn says he wants to take a shower. “I’ll be quick so you can use the bathroom.”

  I refill my wineglass and take advantage of the alone time to get my head together and calm down. No matter what happens tonight, it’s still Flynn and me and no one else. There’s nothing to worry about. I already know I’ll probably love everything he does to me, even if the context has changed.

  He comes out fifteen minutes later, his hair damp, his face freshly shaven, a towel wrapped around his waist. “All yours.”

  I swallow the last of my wine and turn to him. “Thanks.” I feel his eyes on me as I walk into the bedroom and then the bathroom, which is lit by candles. He has filled the tub for me, and I’m touched by the thoughtful gesture. He knows how much I love that tub. As I remove my clothes and put up my hair to keep it dry, my hands tremble ever so slightly. I have twenty minutes until our “appointment.” I spend half of those minutes in the tub, soaking in the warm water, trying to relax. I shave my legs and the hair between my legs.

  I’ve left my phone where I can see the time. At five minutes to eight, I get out of the tub, towel myself dry and wrap the towel around my body. Standing before the mirror, I permanently remove the contact lenses I’ve worn for cosmetic reasons since I changed my name and became Natalie. As always, the rare sight of my green eyes is a reminder of how far I’ve come since I left April behind.

  Despite the long road I’ve traveled since then, she’s still part of me. Her heart still beats inside me. Her trauma is with me always but no longer defines me. I’m determined to live my life as I see fit, without giving the man who ruined April’s life any more power than he’s already had.

  I brush my teeth and hair, cover my body in scented lotion and take the deep, cleansing breaths Curt taught me to use whenever I feel overwhelmed or anxious. I’m neither of those things now. I’m fearless and determined—and extremely aroused from thinking about this all day. I bring the candles from the bathroom with me and place them on the bedside table, before assuming the position he has requested—on my knees, hands folded and head down.

  And then I wait.

  Chapter 8

  And I wait. My knees begin to hurt, but I stay where I’m supposed to be as I wonder what kind of game he’s playing. Is making me wait part of it? The longer I stay there, on my knees, awaiting his arrival, the more turned on I seem to get. I’m throbbing between my legs and my nipples are tight, perhaps from the chill of being right out of the tub and naked. But I know that’s not why. My entire body is alive with anticipation.

  Right when I think I can’t take the waiting any longer, he appears in the doorway. He closes the door, leaving Fluff in the hall. Her plaintive whimpers tug at my heart, but she can’t be in here for this. She’d go ballistic. She whines for a few seconds before seeming to get it’s pointless to protest. I picture her on the floor, head on her paws, watching the door.

  My head is down, as instructed, so I see his feet first. Have I ever noticed before how big they are? The thought nearly makes me laugh, and my ass tingles at the thought of the punishment I might receive for laughing right now.

  “You look lovely, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Are you nervous, Natalie?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Are you lying?”

  “No, Sir.”

  His low chuckle makes me smile, but I don’t let him see that. I feel his hand stroking my hair and then his finger on my shoulder, his touch so light I barely feel it, but it sets me on fire nonetheless. I shudder and try to maintain my position until he tells me what he wants.

  “Are you aroused, Natalie?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Do you remember your safe word?”

  “Fluff, Sir. As well as yellow to slow down and red to stop.”

  “Very good. Sit up taller now and look at me.”

  I do as he asks, and that’s when I see he’s naked and fully aroused. My mouth waters at the sight of his beautiful body, hard and strong and ready for me.

  He takes me by the chin to tilt my face up more and studies my eyes. “They’re lovely, Natalie. Thank you for letting me see them.”

  “You’re welcome, Sir.”

  “Stroke me, Natalie. Use your hand and mouth.”

  I’m thrilled to get my hands on him, to make him feel as good as he makes me feel every time he touches me. I stroke him the way he’s taught me to, aggressively, keeping my hand wrapped tightly around him. Then I take the wide head into my mouth and suck while I lash him with my tongue.

  “Yes,” he says on a hiss, “like that. Just like that.”

  Knowing I’m pleasing him is the greatest thrill I’ve ever experienced, a natural high. I open my mouth wider and let him slide in deeper, controlling my gag reflex to let him into my throat.

  “Swallow,” he says harshly, his hands pulling tightly on my hair.

  I swallow twice, making him groan. Then he withdraws so quickly, I nearly topple over.

  Flynn catches me and helps me up.

  “Why did you stop?”

  “You don’t ask questions when we’re playing, sweetheart. You can ask them later, but not now.”

  “Do I get punished for asking?”

  “Do you want to be punished?”

  I shrug as I look up at him, going for the picture of innocence.

  Growling, he turns me to face the bed. “Bend over, sweetheart, and put your elbows on the mattress.”

  I prop myself on my elbows and drop my head, waiting, tingling...

  His hand on my bottom makes me gasp. My every nerve ending hovers at the surface of my skin, electrifying me. He squeezes and strokes my cheeks, spreading them and testing the wetness between them where he discovers the impact this is having on me.

; “Talk to me, Nat. How’re you feeling?”


  “Do you want me to turn the fan on?”

  “Not that kind of hot.”

  His fingers slide into me from behind. “This kind?”

  “Yes. Sir.” Something buzzes an instant before it connects with my most sensitive place. It takes me right to the edge of ecstasy.

  “Don’t come, Nat. Your orgasm belongs to me and only me.”

  God… I grit my teeth, trying to hold back as the vibrating thing connects again. It feels… I don’t have the words. “Flynn…”

  His hand cracks against my bottom.

  When it becomes too heavy to hold up any longer, I drop my head to my hands as the flash of pain turns to heat that spreads through me like wildfire.

  “What do you call me here?”

  “Sir. I call you Sir.”

  He bends over me to drag his lips down my backbone. “You’re doing great, Nat. I’m so proud of you.”

  I’m dying for him. I want him inside me, thrusting and driving me to the orgasm I crave. His fingers again slide through the dampness between my legs. “Tell me what you want, Natalie.”

  “You. I want you.”

  “How do you want me?”

  “Inside me. I need to come.”

  “Will you always tell me what you want?”

  “Yes.” He pinches my clit but doesn’t give me permission to come. It takes all my concentration to hold back the orgasm that’s trying to break free. I’m lost in the moment, in the sea of sensation, carried away by desire.

  His hands are on my hips when he pushes into me, giving me all of him in one deep stroke that makes me burn as I stretch to accommodate him. He reaches around and applies the vibrating thing to my clit again while holding perfectly still inside me.

  I’m going to die from the need to let go of the pressure that’s building. I’ve never felt this sort of desperate need for fulfillment before. I’m grasping the comforter so tightly, my hands have begun to ache. Then he suddenly withdraws, and I collapse onto the bed, my entire body pulsating.

  “Turn over, sweetheart. I want to see your face.”

  He helps me to turn over, brushing my hair back from my face. “Hi,” he says.


  “How’re you doing?”